Despite the best of intentions, there have been several times when I've unintentionally sliced into an avocado before it was really soft enough to eat. You want to get it before it's mushy and brown inside, but if you miscalculate, and don't give it enough time to ripen, I have good news.
Unripe avocado is starchy, flavorless, disappointing, and downright unpleasant to eat, and it used to be that I would throw them into the compost, feeling like a fool for not giving them more time to mature. Fortunately, a few years ago I came across this information: Avocados will still ripen once they've been cut into!
Simply put the halves back together as neatly as you can, and walk away like nothing happened. It's essential to leave the pit in place. In a couple of days, the avocado will have transformed into the rich deliciousness that you wanted all along.
I'd like to say that I'm careful enough to no longer unwittingly slice into an unripe avocado- but it happens. It's heartening to know that it no longer means the avocado is a complete waste.
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How To Save An Unripe Avocado That's Been Cut
Write commentsI also brush the avocado with a very light coating of olive oil to keep it from browning.
ReplyGreat tip! I made the mistake of forcing myself to endure half of the unripped side and storing the other in the cold fridge (big mistake!).
ReplyMakes me so mad when this happens!
ReplyI did not know this! And I'm 60 and grew up in California! Love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing this! You taught me something, that I can use, today!
ReplyThis is a great tip! This happens to me too often with our shipped from who-knows-where to the Midwest avos, and I too have chucked them into the compost. I will try this for sure.
ReplyOh that's a good idea! I'll try that next time. Though it stays surprisingly green, I think because the pit is left intact. I've heard there's something about the pit that keeps avocado from browning...
ReplyThis really is a great tip! I didn't know this and have wasted many an avocado! Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyTina from
This is great news! We love avocados!
ReplyGreat tip! I usually just use it on my head (great conditioner) , good to know other alternatives! Thank You for sharing at the Fluster Buster Party, Lizy party co host, have a great week Mellow
ReplyOh, that is the worst! Thanks so much for sharing a simple solution!
ReplyThis has also happened to me, as well as leaving them too long and I ate wasting food. This is such a great tip, thanks for sharing. Lizbeth, love your idea or hair conditioner too!
ReplyThis is so smart. We make a lot of guacamole at our house and it's frustrating having to wait for the avacados! We'll be trying this out soon. Each Monday, I have a Meatless Meal link up. I would love it if you'd share this recipe with my readers. I realize it's not a recipe, but extremely helpful for avacado lovers like us! If you're interested, you can find the link at
Ah great tip. I usually end up throwing them away or eating the too ripe (or eventually the extremely brown) avocado. Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!
ReplyWhat a great tip! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
ReplyCome Back Soon,
Miz Helen
Thank you for sharing! I have the worst luck with avocados and this advice will come in handy.
ReplyThis is a great tip. I just wasted an avocado because I cut it and accidentally threw away the pit. I'll remember this the next time I cut an unripe avocado. Thanks for sharing.
Replydropping by from Mix it up Monday!
Great tip! Thanks for sharing with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday!" I hope you will be able to join us again this week.
ReplyGreat post, I also enjoyed reading the comments
Great tips! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! 
ReplyHope your week is great!
Cindy from
Thanks for sharing such a helpful hint. Stopping by from the Weekend re-Treat. <3 Kim
ReplyYou wouldn't think that this post changed someones life, but I know that is what my husband will say when I tell him this! He would eat an avocado every single day but we either have them too ripe or not ripe enough. Too many times we have thrown away non ripe avocado! Not any more! I saw your post at The Weekly Creative! Don't you just love link up parties? I am having my first one ever tomorrow called Family Fridays! :/ I am a bit nervous! Maybe you can stop by and share a few links? I hope so! I will be pinning this right now!
ReplyThanks I'll check it out!
ReplyGaah I just cut prematurely! Can I leave it out or should the youngster be put in the fridge... Thanks!
ReplyI'm sure this response is too late for that particular avocado (hope it worked out!) but in the future, they ripen best at room temp, and will continue to ripen after being cut if you put the halves back together and pretend you never cut into it ;) It will pretty much stay hard in the fridge.
Replyany tips for an unripe banana that you've already peeled? yellow though, not the green bananas eaten in africa
ReplyYou could certainly cook it, or add it to a pancake recipe or something. No idea if it will ripen once it's opened!
ReplyI've done this before & sadly, it doesn't work for me
ReplyThe avocado simply rots inside. I think it's tragic.
Great to see this post. Just closed it back up... hope it ripens in a couple o days....
ReplyThis works for me, reliably, every time. If it didn't work for you with one avocado (and yes, losing even one avocado is tragic!) give it another try. I mean, don't intentionally cut into an underripe avocado, but if it happens, don't toss it. From my experience it will ripen just about as well after cutting as if you hadn't cut it.
ReplyThe store put a "ripe" tag on it. I hope this works.
ReplyIf i already cut them into slices and no way to put them back how?will it still ripe if i leave it?
ReplyThey tagged it as ripe but it still wasn't? That's tricky of them
Hope this method helped you out.
ReplyYes, I think if it's sliced but still in it's skin, with the pit replaced, it should ripen still.
ReplyThanku for sharing such a great tip. I also tried it and got a good result. I would like to share this on my website.
Replycan i place the avacado in a refrigerator after its cut . PS just found its not ripe ..gggahhhhhhhh
ReplyIf you want it to ripen up, you'll need to store it at room temperature for another day or two. Ripening really slows down in the fridge!
ReplyAfter a few days on the counter, the avocado is calling out to me, "Ready or not ..." but I give it the little pushing on the stem end test to make sure it's ready. Still, sometimes I forget and it's just as you say. Good to know there's a way to save it. Thanks for the tip!
ReplyYou are welcome! It happens to all of us ;)
ReplyWhat if i have already tossed the pit an theres no getting it back.. hubby took trash out already.. will it ripen with out the pit?
ReplyGive it a try! My understanding is the pit helps with ripening, but it won't hurt to try
ReplyI have done that too
ReplyIt was my first time eating an avocado
What do you suggest me to do??
Me too so what should I do
ReplyI was waiting for my avocados to ripen and wanted them so badly that I as close to start licking them, so I have opened one and it was still hard. It is still in my kitchen, I put it in a paper bag and aas hoping for it to ripen. Till now I felt like a fool. Thank you for your post
ReplyThis is good stuff to know. THanks for sharing.
ReplyI didn't know and so happy you shared your tips. Thank you for sharing at Dishing it and DIgging it link party.
ReplyYou are my hero for this!
ReplyThx for the tips! Ive just cut an unripe avocado. Feel so sad after realising its unripe...just did what u mentioned. Do i seal it with cling wrap? I stay in tropical country. Its hot and humid here. Should i put it in the fridge?
ReplyI am same with unripe avo in hot and humod country. Icebox or not?
ReplyI would still leave it out to ripen in a hot climate, but it's safe to assume it would be ready more quickly than in a cooler zone. So, just check it after several hours instead of the next day.
ReplyProbably too late for *that* avocado, but I would still leave it out to ripen in a hot climate. It's safe to assume it would be ready more quickly than in a cooler zone, so just check it after several hours instead of the next day
ReplyTee-Hee . You said "icebox"!!lol I say this all the time. My kids know. But my niece is a smart a$$
Reply(1) Take the seed out, pour in a tablespoon of lemon juice, put the halves together and seal it in a ziplock, evacuating all the air you can. It will be riper in a few hours.
Reply(2) pickle it in cool brine and refrigerate it. You can eat it in 1-2 hours - longer if you really like pickles.